Build your own engagement project

over 1 year ago

Put people at the heart of your Public Engagement

A step-by-step guide to support you in planning, developing and managing your own high quality, audience-centred public engagement projects.

How do we plan, design and deliver formats that put audiences at the centre and create a mutually beneficial exchange? This module takes a closer look at what we need to develop successful Public Engagement projects. We will introduce you to the process of stakeholder mapping to identify your core audiences, their needs and desired outcomes, and explore different approaches and formats to help you achieve those aims. The session also covers practical elements around project management and partnership working. You will take away a holistic understanding of the building blocks for meaningful engagement, and develop your own engagement roadmap.

Following this session, you will be able to:

  • Appreciate the building blocks of an audience-centred approach to Public Engagement

  • Be able to identify your stakeholders and their needs

  • Appreciate the strength and limitations of different engagement formats and approaches

  • Be able to develop a feasible engagement plan for your research